Ivavsys Technologies Pvt Ltd

Security Testing

Today’s interconnected and extremely fast paced world mandates a robust and scalable cybersecurity framework for every enterprise. Ensuring business continuity especially during the present challenging times has brought to the fore the role of ensuring cybersecurity at every stage of your business lifecycle, building resilience and an organization-wide security mindset.

Ivavsys Security Testing offers validation services and solutions with focus on digital technologies. Our unique approach for static and dynamic application security testing helps enterprises mitigate security risks early and protect assets from emerging security threats. Our Security testing and web application penetration testing uncovers vulnerabilities in applications, ensures your application risks are minimized, and benchmarks your software code for increased quality assurance. Our Security Testing services across different industry verticals & enterprises ensure their cyber-safety, leading to robust brand image & client retention.

A few differentiators of our dynamic application security testing services are

  • Rich experience of eliminating cybersecurity weaknesses across threat surfaces (web, mobile, and thick client).
  • Expertise in cybersecurity testing using commercial and open source tools.
  • Cloud-based security testing services.
  • Industry standard certified professionals.
  • Assessment Methdology